What did you do this past week?

This past week was relatively slow. My group and I took a short break and met on Friday to discuss what needs to be done for the final phase. Other than that I spent most of my time worrying about registration. I transferred to UT my Junior year (this school year) and I’m doing everything I can to get my classes in order to graduate on time next year.

What’s in your way?

My group and I have divided out how we are going to implement the visualizations of our and our providers data. At least for myself I need to go and look at the documentation of our providers API. Then I need to look up the D3 library for React to familiarize myself with it.

What will you do next week?

Continue to work with my group to finish up the final phase. Start implementing visualizations and hopefully get started on making the video for the presentation.

If you read it, what did you think of the What Happens to Us Does Not Happen to Most of You?

I am really glad Professor Downing is assigning articles like this. I think just educating people on issues of diversity in computer science is a big first step. A lot of what this class seems to focus on is getting us ready for the work place and articles like this help educate us to be better and more inclusive participants in the workplace.

What was your experience of joins and refactoring?

I liked the SQL stuff we ended on. Some of the statements we had to make for the exercise got fairly complex and helped me think hard about what we learned. I’m really interested to learn more about refactoring because it seems like there’s a lot there.

What made you happy this week?

Getting a good grade on phase III.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?


My tip-of-the-week is to use Recharts to implement your visualizations. It’s built off of D3 and the API seems more simple and easy to use than the React D3 library. I’m not sure if my group will use it for all our visualizations but it will make our lives easier for some of them.



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